Challenge 15
Fishy Business
Subjects tackled through activities includes social sciences, language proficiency, teamwork and physical education.
The "Fishy Business" challenge consists of two lesson plans, two posters, one worksheet, two homework sheets and one "Why This Matters" information sheet.

Common Core Standards
Let kids become protectors of the ocean's waves of various aquatic animals with the "Fishy Business" challenge! Children will describe and identify common pollutants in aquatic environments, conceptualize “overfishing” and explain how it happens, identify endangered fish, generate cause and effect relationships involving pollution and the health of marine life and humans.
Common Core, Next Generation Science and AERO Standards
ESS3.C: Human Impacts on Earth Systems > Kindergarten
ESS3.A: Natural Resources > Kindergarten
Social Studies Framework > Standard 6 > Grade 2 > 6.2a
English Language Arts Standards » Reading: Literature » Kindergarten > 1
English Language Arts Standards » Reading: Informational Text » Kindergarten > 9
English Language Arts Standards » Language » Kindergarten > 6